Barki Nafshi


As readers of this periodical are aware, it has been over a year since we have published an issue of The Silver Trumpet. The reasons for this are manifold, but can be summarized in the following two points: (1) Those of us involved in producing this organ have been overwhelmed with other responsibilities, such as building up the Living Branch Center and fulfilling pastoral duties, and (2) the subjects of our study over the past year are very broad and complex and thus require more time than usual to put into words.

In spite of the above mentioned factors, we do plan on publishing the knowledge we have been so blessed to obtain over the past year in a large issue of The Silver Trumpet, which will be Volume 2, inclusive. Moreover, we have already published an edited extract from the first article called A Change in the Priesthood – A Change in the Law, which we highly recommend for all to read.

Although Volume 2 has not yet been published, we have decided (prayerfully) that it will be best to publish the first issue of Volume 3. Due to the fact that our work load has not yet diminished, the main article of this issue is less explanatory than we would like. In fact, it is not so much a written study, but a translation of the passages to which Inspiration brought our attention this first day of the seventh month (the memorial of loud blasts), with footnotes and scripture references to aid you, our readers, in studying this important text. An explanatory study of this document will have to wait for a later date, whether we are able to make a written study available or just publicize the audio file from our conference call. Additionally, we have included in this issue a summary of our studies during the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles as well as notes for our eighth New Moon topic.

Starting on the next page, you will find a translation of a text found among the Dead Sea Scrolls known as Barki Nafshi, or Bless, My Soul. We have found that it contains a message of present truth for us, confirming the truths we have already received as well as shedding new light on familiar passages and themes.

To the side of the main body of the text we have placed scripture references to important and related passages and have also included footnotes at the bottom of the page.

( ) supplied words or references

[ ] restorations and gaps

Barki Nafshi

a-a Ps. 103:1, 2, 22; 104:1, 35

b-b 1 Cor. 1:26-29; 1 Sam. 22:2; Lk. 6:20; 12:33; 18:22; Js. 2:5

c-c Ps. 34:15

d-d Zech. 12:4

e-e Isa. 35:5; 42:7; Dt. 29:4

f-f Dt. 10:16; 30:6, Jer. 4:4; Jub. 1:23; 1QS 5:5; Rom. 2:29; Ep. Barn. 9:1-3; 10:12; Ode 11:1-3

g-g 1QS 9:17-21; 10:21; CD 1:13; 2:6; Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22

h Isa. 25:3-5

i-i Ps. 103:8-10

j-j 1STr 10-11, p. 12

k-k Ps. 51:10; Jer. 32:39; Ez. 11:19; 18:31; 36:26

l-l CD 1:11; 1Q28b 5:22; 1QHa 12:17-24; 14:7, 21; 4Q428 Frag. 7:5; 4Q429 Frag. 2 i:10

4Q434 Frag. 1, Col. 1

1 aBless, my whole being, (bless)1 the Lorda for all his wonders forever. bAnd bless his name for “he has delivered the life of the poor2,” (Jer. 20:13) and the humble he has not despised, and he has not forgotten the distress of the helpless.

cHe has dopened his eyesd upon the helpless and has heard the cry of the orphans, stretching out his ears to their cry.c In the abundance of his compassion, he has shown favor to the needy.b

eHe is opening their eyes to see his ways and their ears to hear his teaching.e

And he is fcircumcising the foreskin of their heartsf and delivering them on account of his grace and preparing their feet for gthe Wayg.

In their many hardships, he did not forsake them, and into the hand of the ruthlessh he did not give them. iHe did not judge them with the wicked, nor kindle his wrath against them, nor destroy them in his fury. Even though all his furious wrath was not wearied, he has not judged them in the fire of his zeal. He judged them in the abundance of his compassion – judgments of iniquity in order to test them.i

And in [his] great compass[ion, he h]id them in the nations and [from the hand of] man he delivered them. He did not judge them amidst the mass of the gentiles and he did not … them among the peoples. And he is conceal-ing them in […] and he is making “darkness into light before them, and jcrooked places straight,j” (Isa. 42:16) and he is revealing to them the laws of peace and truth.

[He set] 10 their spirit by measure. He apportioned their words by weight and is making them sing like flutes, for he is giving them kanother heartk and they will walk in his way. 11 In lthe way of his heartl he also brought them near for they have pledged with their spirit. He sent and is covering them all around and he has given the command that no plague shall defeat them.

12 mHis messenger is encamping around them and has them guardedm lest […] destroy them […] 13 their enemies.3 […] his wrath […] his fury […] in them. And grea[t …] 14 Abundance of your glory …

Col. 2

in evil and in their distress, and you delivered them from every distress […] you have done for them before the sons of man, and you are delivering them nfor your saken […] And they atone for their iniquity and the iniquity of their ancestors and wipe them away in water […] in your statutes, and to the way that you have taught [… ] again, for […] you called […]

4Q434 Frag. 2

oto be comforted for her mourning … her afflictiono

to pdestroy nations and cut off peoples and wickedp … renew the works of the heavens and the earth and they will rejoice and qhis glory will fill all the earth.q And their sin he is wiping away. And they will be comforted by abounding goodness. Good … to eat her fruit and her goodness.

6 rAs a person whom his mother comforts, so will he comfort them in Jerusalem.r sAs a bridegroom on a bride, on her he will dwell forever.s [ ] for this throne will last forever and evert and his glory … and all peoples [ ] to him and uthe host of heavenu will be in it, and their desirable land [ ] glory [ ] I will bless

10 [ ] Blessed be the name of the Most High 11 [ ] Bless[ ]your grace upon me 12 [ ] for the law you established 13 [ ] in the scroll of your statutes

4Q434 Frag. 5

]I will scatter them[

4Q434 Frag. 7b

]vfrom there their portion from the wild[erness to a d]oor of hope.v And whe will make with them a covenant of peace with the birds[of the heav]ens and the beasts of the land.w And xhe will make their enemies like dung, like dust will he finely beat them. Edom and Moabx

m-m Ps. 34:7; Isa. 63:9-11

n-n Ez. 36:22

o-o Isa. 40:1-2; 49:13; 51:3; 52:9; 61:2; 66:13

p-p 1STr 10-11, p. 52

q-q Isa. 6:3; Rev. 18:1

r-r Isa. 66:13

s-s Isa. 62:5

t-t Ps. 89:36; Pr. 29:14. 2 Sam .7:13, 16; Dan. 2:44; 7:17

u-u Deut. 4:19; 17:3; 1 Ki. 22:19; 2 Ki. 17:16; 21:3, 5: 23:4, 5; 2 Chron. 18:18; 33:3, 5; Neh. 9:6; Isa. 34:4; Jer. 8:2; 19:13; 33:22; Zech. 1:5

v-v Hos. 2:14-15

w-w Hos. 2:18

x-x Isa. 25:10

y-y Ps. 51:17 (here and below)

z 1STr 3, p. 15

a-a Jer. 31:33; Rom. 2:15; Heb. 8:10; 10:16;

2 Cor. 3:3

b-b 1 En. 14:24;

2 Cor. 12:4

c-c Ps. 139:4

d-d Ez. 11:19; 36:26

e-e 2 Cor. 1:22

4Q436 Col. 1

[he has given(?)] understanding to strengthen the ycontrite heart,y to give it perpetual relief, to comfort the poor in their time of distress, and the hands of the fallen to raise up; to make instruments of knowledge, to give knowledge to the wise, and that the upright may gain more learning; to gain understanding about your deeds which you have done in the years of old, the years of generation after generation; (to meditate on) eternal knowledge which you have set before me. You keep your law before me and your covenant has been confirmed for me.4

You strengthen the heart of the contrite, so that he may walk in your ways. You have appointed my heart and have well taught my kidneysz that I may not forget your statutes. 6 a[On my heart] you [have enjoined] your law, on my kidneys you have engraved it;a and you have strengthened me so that I may follow after your ways [and perform all your good plea]sure. And you have “made my mouth like a sharp sword,” (Isa. 49:2) and my tongue you have set loose to utter bwords of holiness.b And cyou have set them in chains that they may not mutter the doings of man whose lips are corrupt.c

You have strengthened my foot. […] with your hand you have strengthened my right hand and have sent me on the strai[ght path].

10 [The dheart of stoned you have r]emoved from me and placed a pure heart in its stead. 11 The evil inclination you have driven off with rebuk[es from my kidneys.]

Col. 2

[And ethe Holy Spir]it you have set in my heart.e Lust-fulness of eyes you have removed from me and now they gaze on all your ways. The neck of stiffness you have sent away from me and have established humility. Angry rage you have removed from me and have placed in me a spirit of long-suffering. You have made me forget a high heart and high eyes. The spirit of falsehood you have destroyed and you have given to me a contrite heart. The inclin[ation …]


4Q437 Frag. 2

… from the congregation of the seekers …

2 f[a net] they hid for me to catch me and pursue my li[fef]But “their [swo]rd will pierce their heart” (Ps. 37:15) and their bows will shatter.

[Because of all] this I will bless your name throughout my life for you have delivered me from the snare of the nation[s] [… pe]oples. And your grace is to me a shield surrounding me, and you are preserving my life among the nations, and among […]

]you have not shamed those who love me. I have not forgotten your statutes in the anguish of my being. [You have not [forsaken] me no]r have you hid your face from my supplications. And all my groanings you have seen, and my sins[…] when] my spirit was fainting away [be]fo[re me] in my distress, you heard my voice.

gIn your quiver [you] hi[d me, and in the shadow of your hand] [you concealed] me; and you made me into a sharp arrow, and in the shelter of your palm you hid me.g

10 [And hfrom the mudi] you delivered me, lest I sink in it, and from the flood of the gentiles, lest it overflow me, and from [… 11 and I sink in] its [d]ep[t]hs.h And “from the grave you have brought up my being;” (Ps. 30:3) life you have set [before me].

12 [And jthe congregation of “the men] of wonder” (Zech. 3:8) [you] made to sit before me,j and among the children of the righteous you comforted me. kAnd according to the measuring line of judgment you have gladdened 13 [my being and according to the plummet] of righteousness you have enlivened my spirit.k

I will bless the Lord with a[ll my strength], 14 [and I will praise] his goodness with the rejoicing of my heart. You, Lord, I have remembered, and my heart is unshakable before you. I have hoped 15 [for your deliverance, Lor]d, [ ] … I called to mind. My heart exults; in you my horn is elevated.

[My being] thirsts …” (Ps. 63:1) 16 “[my] being cleaves to you;” (Ps. 63:8) “on your deeds will I meditate” (Ps. 77:12). lI call you to mind on my bed in the watches of the night.l

f-f Ps. 35:7

g-g Isa. 49:2

h-h Ps. 69:2, 14-15

i 1QS 3:3

j-j Zech. 3:8

k-k Isa. 28:17

l-l Ps. 63:6

m-m Isa. 61:10

4Q437 Frag. 4

[with deceptions]…

and to cling to yourself you [have com]manded me. Inclination …

[you have succeeded in remo]ving evil from me. And with an abund[ance [of compassion … a man or spirit … ] the way of life and [to walk in the l]ove of grace [and in righteous judgment, and walking humbly in al]l the ways of God. And you have remov[ed from me t]he [spirit of destruction and mwith the spirit of salvation you have clothed me.]m Because of all these things I [bless … [ on account of your glory and your wonders …

1“Bless” here has been supplied in order to clarify that “the Lord” is the object being blessed while “my whole being” is the subject doing the blessing.

2Alt. oppressed

3A possible restoration is “lest [Belial] attack them [through] their enemies” as found in the translation by Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, and Edward Cook.

4“for me” or “to me”
