Trent Wilde

For more articles by Trent Wilde not included on this page, check out the Trent Wilde Blog.

Ancient Texts and Commentaries

The Torah
The Mosaic Torah

Psalm 35:The Folly of David’s Accusers

Present Truth Lessons from Hosea 1-3
The King of Crises in the SDA Church

The Graciousness of Glory
The Sprouting of the Kingdom

Jeremiah Against Orthodoxy
Who Is Your Shepherd?

The Flying Scroll

Thanksgiving Hymns
Wonders with Dust
No Steps but a Lifted Heel

Misc Qumran Literature
Barki Nafshi

Maccabean Literature
4 Maccabees: On the Supremacy of Reason

The Odes of “Solomon”
The Odes Shall Not Be Silent (Odes 26 and 12)
A Vision of Christ (Ode 36)

Bible Canon Studies

The Bible is Unscriptural
The Only Way to Life

Branch Dressing

Head-Coverings and Long Hair


Are You Minding What Matters?
The Detrimental Effects of Immaterialism Upon Reasonable Thinking
Introduction to R. A. Underwood’s The Holy Spirit A Person
Materialism: Our Forgotten Foundation
Spirit Demystified
Why We Need Materialism


The Lost Gospel of Christ

Parables, Poetry, and Lyrics

A Word If You Will
Beyond the Purple Box
Clever Clever
Miss Misinformation and Lady Learning
Temporal Relativity
The Parable of The Two Schools
Why This Over That?

Priestly Studies

A Change in the Priesthood – A Change in the Law
At-One-Ment in the Sanctuary and the Root of Pollution


Conspiracy Theories
What Does the Branch Davidian Message Say to Conspiracy Theories?

The Gospel
What Does it Mean for the Righteous Man to Fall Seven Times?

The Spirit of Prophecy

What is the Spirit of Prophecy?
What is the Spirit of Prophecy? SDA Edition
The End of Davidian Quiescence

“Follow Me”
Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled

