Is Jesus’ Resurrection Outside of the Realm of Historical Investigation?

Question: Since Jesus’ resurrection is a supernatural event, isn’t it outside of the realm of historical investigation? Answer: (by Mary Zebrowski) To answer this question, let’s first define what a supernatural event is. In this context, a supernatural event is an event that involves something non-physical (that is, beyond nature). Since the non-physical is beyond […]


We Need To Test A Prophet’s Unique Message!

We Need To Test A Prophet’s Unique Message! A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 12 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “The Restless Prophet,” and discusses the life and ministry of Jonah as presented in the book of […]


The Female Lamb Without Defect

The Female Lamb Without Defect A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 11 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Longing for More,” and discusses the significance of “types” in the bible. A “type,” as the quarterly points out, can […]


Did God Create Time?

Did God Create Time? A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 10 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Sabbath Rest.” Sunday’s lesson reads, “Of all the Ten Commandments, only the fourth begins with the verb ‘remember.’ It’s not ‘Remember, […]


Legalism: Keeping the Law in Ceremony Rather than in Principle

Legalism: Treating the Law as Policy Rather Than Principle A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 9 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “The Rhythms of Rest,” and discusses all things “Sabbath” related! One of Friday’s discussion questions asks, […]


The Health Principle Recommended by Heaven

The Health Principle Recommended by Heaven A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 8 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Free to Rest,” and discusses the challenges of “resting” when we or our loved ones are sick, and our […]


The “Give-for” Forgiveness of God

A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 7 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Rest, Relationships, and Healing,” and discusses the importance of forgiveness. One of Friday’s discussion questions reads, “Someone once said, ‘Not forgiving is like drinking poison […]


The Godhead Family: Building Upon Early SDA Theology

A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 6 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “Finding Rest in Family Ties,” so this week, we thought we would talk about the godhead as a family. The SDA pioneers took the Father […]


The Real Meaning of Jesus’ Substitutionary Death

A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 5 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde The lesson for week 5 is entitled “Come to Me…” and discusses the rest we can receive when we come to Jesus. Tuesday’s lesson is entitled, “I am Gentle and […]


Forgiveness Can Not Erase the Past

Forgiveness Can Not Erase the Past A study related to the SDA Sabbath School Lesson for 2021, 3rd Quarter Rest In Christ Week 4 by Mary Zebrowski Edited by Trent Wilde This week’s lesson is entitled, “The Cost of Rest.” It discusses how we can find rest after committing sin. Tuesday’s lesson is entitled, “Forgiven […]
