1st and 2nd Ezekiel?

(Podcast Version – Follow/Subscribe) You’re probably familiar with 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, and maybe even 1st and 2nd Esdras (from the Apocrypha), but how about 1st and 2nd Ezekiel? No? No worries; most have never heard of it. But back in the first century C.E., it was […]


Dry Bones Extra – The Resurrection of Ezekiel 37

DRY BONES EXTRA THE RESURRECTION OF EZEKIEL 37 [All brackets within quotations and emphasis are added unless otherwise noted.] “The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones, and caused me […]


Ezekiel 5 – When the “Siege” has Ended

WHEN THE “SIEGE” HAS ENDED EZEKIEL 5 THE JUDGMENT FOR THE LIVING 1 Study Aim: To see what the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy have to say about what was to happen immediately following the “siege” of Eze. 4, and to determine whether or not those things have transpired as prophesied. Gem Thought: “Ezekiel was […]


Ezekiel 16 – Three Sisters and Their Mother

EZEKIEL 16 THREE SISTERS AND THEIR MOTHER A TALE OF WOE AND LAMENT WE HAVE JUSTIFIED OUR SISTERS Though that does not atone for, nor excuse their sins. PREFACE Part of this study was originally written in 1995, and was given a very limited circulation – mainly to those persons who are mentioned herein, or […]


Pre-“Eleventh Hour” Extra

Pre-“Eleventh Hour” Extra MYSTERY OF MYSTERIES EXPOSED! Copyright, 1933,1940, 1941 All rights reserved V. T. HOUTEFF In the interest of reaching every truth-seeking mind that desires to escape the path that leads to destruction of both body and soul, this tract will be distributed free of charge as long as this issue lasts. PREFACE PERSONALLY […]


The End of Davidian Quiescence

The End of Davidian Quiescence A Three-Part Guide to a Three-Part Seal What Is The Living Spirit Of Prophecy? HEAR YE THE ROD, AND WHO HATH APPOINTED IT Can We Receive The Gift? “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the […]
